Tuesday 21 October 2008


Today i read an gossip article(cos i didnt check the source is real or not) about the windows vista.
According to the article, if you press window + E then your new vista will crash. This is a big big flaws.
How the hell that could happen?
Is this a joke? It is like you buy a car and if you hit the breake and the clucth at the same time, your engine will blow up.
Hope they fix that mess up quickly if it is true enough. I didnt have the chance to test it because in my surrounding PC i still cannot find 1 PC that is using vista.

Then I got the chance to do the testing but dissapointed to said that the Microsoft had overcome the problem. Guess I might never get the chance to know if it is really true.

What A Day

It is rainning again now. Cat and Dog plus the extra strong wind blow.
I hate rainning session because i cannot go anywhere that i want.
Everytime it's rainning, the whole road at here is jammed. It is like suddenly people forget how to control their wheel anymore. Incident happen more frequent during this period.
The best part of this rainning thing is that it happen quite too coincident to be near the off work time.
During this time, i am in a dillema because if i go back on time, i will be wet and jammed in the middle of the road but i didnt want to stay in the office even for extra 5min. The office has like became a camber that suck all my strength, make me feel so down.
Oh Man! Why am i in this situation????

My Job

My job, can't say i like it much but for the sake of bread and butter, i guess i need to like my job.
I have do the job for nearly 2 years and up until now, i still not quite sure what the hell am i doing at here.
Recently, my company is a bit weirds. They started new policy and most of them are funny. The best part is that our OT claims need to be approved by our big boss.
When i read the new policy, i was shock and i thought, man, that boss must be really free with his time, imagine there are 1000 worker at the company, if 10% of them want to do OT then he need to approve it one by one. (Of course, at the end, it is the manager that will be in big trouble.)
That's not all, you need to submit your OT three working days. So, ether my manager are really good at planning and management or they are gifted person who can predict the future else there just a joke.
Didn't know if my company will be able to survive until next year given what they doing right now. Many of my colleague already resign, they are the middle level of my company organization chart. Now what seem to be crowded office has became empty. Some teams even just left the leader with no subordinate to lead. What a loser for that leader.
My leader, couldn't said much about her, she suddenly transfer to others department and left me alone in the team. Man! What more fun than that, nobody is supervising me anymore. I just couldn't direct under my department manager because i am at the lowest level in the office.
Give it time, i thought to myself. Maybe tomorrow will have a bigger joke given my company.
You never know what you will know until you know.

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Day by day

new day has come and i have to face it whether i like it or not.
going through my life is like a bee go through its life.
never know what suppose to do but just do it.
my life is like a circle where i always come back to the same place after a round.
when will this end?