Friday 29 April 2011

The Return – after get fired

If your ex-boss ask you to work for him again after he fired you, will you go back to work for him again?

If yes because the pay is nice, then congratulation to you.

Soon you will be fired for the same reason he fired you at the first place.

Getting fired by the same person once is a mistake.

If twice, then here is an advice to you.


Thursday 28 April 2011

Currency Exchange

Once the rate between Malaysia RM and USD is 3.65 and all the imported product are very pricey. Then when the USD is higher, the price when along.

So this give us the impression that our goods are depend on currency exchange. When it up, price up, so logical thinking, when it down, so does the price, right?

Recently, it prove me wrong, Dead wrong.

There is no such thing as

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. The price is fixed. No gravity on heaven or earth can pull it down.

Now, with the currency exchange now on 3.0006. I still have to pay the same amount of money for the product. Price don’t change. At least not down.

So, when people wanted to suck your money, even the 1001 Arabia night story are no match with it.

How’s the pay?

For once, my pay is consider as high pay. But don’t know how within a few years, it becoming nearly ok and now it is enough to survive.


I want to live not survive.

The increment of my pay is based on inflation rate provided by government.  My boss and I know that figures is come out from the bull’s ass but he still believe it.

I know it deep down inside that is not true but what I can I do?

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Prepare until fed up?

Have you ever being assign a task to prepare for something. The preparation time is given and is delayed again and again. You recheck the thing again and again and nobody come and double check for you. You are on your own and is held full responsible for it but the problem is that this is not your individual task.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Nokia E6: the beginning of the end of E-Series?

I quite like the phone design but still, with a nearly dead OS that even their own company didn’t want to use anymore, is it worth to get it.?


One thing sure will kill this phone is the price, with nearly RM1.5K. There is no chance it will attract a lot of people to use it no matter how premium the material. With an extra few buck, people can have a way better choice of smart phone. I surely won’t get it if the price is at that range.

With the price, it make me fell that Nokia isn’t really wanted to sell their phone anymore since now they are focusing on producing Windows Phone 7.

Monday 25 April 2011

Nokia, still connecting people?

Once, it was the most popular handphone in the world with its innovative technology. Its motto is Connecting People. But at some point, I guess the connection broken when android and iOS emerge to market.

With the decline of market sharing in each quarter, is Nokia going to fight back? By joining force with Microsoft to produce a new smart phone in the latest end of 2011 or early 2012, will miracle happen?

At that time, will there be any left over of cake left for them?

Based on their famous hand,  Nokia really need help now.


Sunday 24 April 2011

The fall of the Symbian?


Hard to deny that now Symbian is facing a big trouble due to the lack to evolve with the main trend of technology. It really hard to believe that a once the giants of smartphone OS now become so outdated that even its own company wanted to kick it out.

But that’s the Darwin laws, survival of the fitness, if you cannot evolve, you die.

Now is the era of Androids despite what people say it is iOS. Let’s face, one days, it might face the same fate as Symbian also. See what happen to Windows Mobile OS.

Now Symbian seem to be taken over by a new owner. Hope it can fight back.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Formatting New Hard Disk

Just bought a new 2TB hard disk and formatting it to NTFS. I use slow format since it was the first time of being formatted. Unfortunately after 3 hours of formatting process, it only finish around 55%.


It doesn’t matter how fast our pc processor get in these days. Some old process still didn’t depend on it to process.