Wednesday 20 July 2011

Defending the right

People raid when the Karaoke or the night club or the cinema is forbid to operate during holy month. They said their freedom have been violated.

When some ruler discriminate  other race’s native school. Nobody say anything.

When some ruler discriminate  other race’s social status. Nobody say anything.

When some ruler discriminate  other race’s right. Nobody say anything.

What does this mean?

As long as you give these people beer, who need freedom or right.


Tuesday 19 July 2011

Enemy of the state?

If they are the enemy then why your father befriend with them?

If they are the enemy then why do business with them?

If they are the enemy then why you allow them to come here?

If they are the enemy then why your let your people go to their place?

If they are the enemy then why your don’t tell them that you hate them?

Monday 18 July 2011

Color Phobia

Oh, please, not that one.

What should I do? She is one of them also.

Well, I can just say that I am color blind.

Just when you think you are thousand miles away from home, avoiding the damn color.

Doctor, please help me.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Wait, wait for me..



I haven’t have the chance to showoff yet.

After being attack by them for so long. I thought I have the chance to fight back with this.

Those bugger are really stupid, enforcing these rules. Rules that we have created for so long. Hahaha.

I have prepare all the statement that I need to win back my reputation. Those dogs are ready to bite them to pieces.

But now they have change the rule. As they say, very potong steam.

All my dogs cannot bark at them anymore.

Oh, look at the time, it is time for me to go to my same old room at the same old hotel to my same old sweet heart.

Hope they would film it in 3D.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Duty tax free

Up until now only I know that tax is taxed according to people’s social status, not by goods.

if you are somebody, you are tax free or even can have the goods free.

If you are nobody, pay it or you gonna pay it.

Our country’s very own lord of the ring.


Friday 15 July 2011

Commodore 64


This not a keyboard. It is a fully function CPU.

It is powered by

“A dual core Atom processor is teamed with a Nvidia Ion2 to make 1080p video playback a smooth affair. 2GB RAM comes as standard, although the C64 supports up to 4GB.

There’s the usual smattering of USB, Audio in/out and VGA ports. A card reader is thrown in for good measure, too.”


Well, as least it is really outstanding. 

Thursday 14 July 2011

Green Lantern


After watch the movie, only one question is on my mind. Those green corps really are bureaucratic.

Here they got the killer maniac that can destroy the universe and all they can do is send a new guy that haven’t finish his training to kill that monster.

In the end, I understand why the ring chose the human as the new Green Lantern. He is the only one who use his brain to attack the monster.

The others? What do they do?

As a light tower to show people that they can grow light.

Wednesday 13 July 2011


If you like Shawn of the dead and hot fuzz, then this is the one that you must Watch it if you have the chance.

Simon and Nick, those two are still can write some good movies.


Two British comic-book geeks traveling across the U.S. encounter an alien outside Area 51.

Greg Mottola
Nick Frost, Simon Pegg

Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Seth Rogen

source: IMDB

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Someday I will…

In Knight and Day, Tom Cruise tell Cameron Diaz that when you say someday I will, that mean you will never go.

That’s true.

I always say that someday I will go oversea travel and it have been four years.

So today, I am going to do the changes now.


I have bought the air ticket regardless whether I will be free at that time or not.

May, 2012.

I will go to Taiwan.

At least I didn’t wait untill Dec 2012.

Monday 11 July 2011

Make it work or can work?


If you were to produce a product, what is your main concern?

To make sure the product work or can work?

A netbook was designed to be a compact laptop that user can carry around to do the same stuff using a normal laptop.

But the output is that you got a low performance processor, a for display purpose only graphic chipset, a standard hour long battery life installed with a nothing else you can do OS system. with the price of a normal laptop.

One thing it is good at, it suck.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Say no that mean no

When People ask him if the news is real, he said that was only rumors.

When People show him the prove, he said that was only angle issues.

When People show him the whole prove, he said he only follow the report that someone give him.

When People ask for his explanations, he said the instant classic word: I say no that mean no.

Well, please do remark this, when the People say no, they really mean no.

Friday 8 July 2011

Cleaning process


Never occur to me that there’s have people that hate clean stuff. in my mind, only dirty stuff hate cleaning process.

Now the people want to clean the country and some people stand up and warn them not to do it.


Tuesday 5 July 2011

Transformers 3

This is the last of the trilogy directed by Michael Bay. To show that he mean it. He really make us believe that this is it.

For 2 hours and 45 minutes, he didn’t know what to do with that time. You only have 45 minutes that have the autobots and decepticons. The rest is the story about a boy who want to find his job and the movies like the boy, he failed.

He have all the should be a marvelous scene but failed to delivered it.


Friday 1 July 2011

1st of the day

Today is the first day of July.

So what?