Friday 19 December 2008

Worker of Sorrow

What is the worth of a worker in the eye of the company?
A valueable or expendable?
What a boss want from their worker?
Loyalty, productivity?
As the worker help the boss make profit, how much return from the boss to worker.
At the profit, the boss said need to evaluate a worker performance to make sure he or she deserve the return.
At the loss, the boss won't hessitate to sack their worker regarthless the worker's performance.
Loyalty of a worker, it is like a fairy tales in the working enviroment.
Once the worker existence conflict with the boss benefit, the worker will be removed.
They can give the worker a lot promise but they are not obligable to keep it due to situation.
Nothing personal, it is just bussiness.
A worker is still a worker, they cannot cross the line.
Boss can be the worker friend but the worker cannot be the worker boss friend.
There is a border, once the worker cross it, prepare the consequences. It is like the social struture in the old India. Worker are at the worker level. Boss are at the boss level.
Never think that the worker have worked so long with the boss and so loyal with them and the worker had help them on their bussiness that they will take care of the worker when the worker in trouble.
Keep on dreaming and so day the when the worker wake up, it will be so hurt that the worker will wish they never help them at the beginning.

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