Tuesday 30 June 2009

Shot Gun

A loaded shot gun.
A man was walking along a busy street.
The street was crowded with people.
Busy people in a busy life.
They rushed from one place to another place.
They never stop or slow their steps.
The mood of the man was terrible.
He had a very bad day.
He just got fired by his company that he had served for forty years and he just a few days before retirement.
Reason of being fired?
Didn't achieve company's KPI for the first month.
That was the reason they gave him.
Forty years of services cannot overcome one month performance.
He was ordered to pack his stuff and leave the office.
On his way out, he felt that there were a young lady that was sitting at his old desk.
She was guided by his manager, his ex manager.
Then, when he went home early, he saw a letter in the kitchen.
His wife already left him.
With his neighbor.
He felt so depressed in the house.
So he decided to take a walk in the city.
He sit at a coffee shop and having his miss order coffee.
He dislike coffee but the waitress gave him one.
He just take it.
Then suddenly, he felt a stick below his left foot.
A metal stick.
He bend down and pick up the stick.
A shotgun.
A fully loaded shotgun.
He picked up the shotgun.
Nobody border him. No one even panic.
Wonder if they even look at him at all.
This is the city where nobody care at others people doing.
He carried the shotgun in the street.
There weren't any police in that area since ever.
He walk unconsciousness.
Until he arrived at his office.
A shotgun in his hand.
A loaded one.
Still nobody care about him.
A man with a shotgun in a office and nobody give a damn.
Slowly, he walk into the manager office.
The manager was there.
"Why are you here. Didn't I fired you just now?" said the manager.
"What's that you carrying?"
"Oh my god! It is a sho......'
The manager just couldn't finished the word.
A clean blow to the manager and then only the whole office people started to panic.
They run off out of the office.
Nobody run to the manager room where the bang came from.
Nobody want to be somebody.
In the chaos, the man walk away from the office.
He throw the shotgun in the garbage stack.
Now, he felt so relief.
A young guy was being beat by a bunch of gang not far from the man.
The gang throw the young into garbage stack and walk away.
The young guy felt a metal stick beside his left hand.
A loaded shot gun.

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