Tuesday 19 October 2010

Healthy Life My Ass

I have a friend that lead a much much more healthy life than I do. Doing all those exercises daily that cover my whole year exercises amount. Eating all those healthy non-fat foods. Smoking and drinking free. Comparing that kind of lifestyle with my no fat no eat, no need no move lifestyle.  It seem that it make no surprise if I fucked up my life first way before him.

Lately I met him on a high tea gathering with a few old timer. He told us that last week he go for a stress test where the doctor test your hearth to seem if it is fucked up yet. He failed the test. Cannot finish the test, He need to redo the test again. The doctor suspect he might in some serious shit.

I was shock at the time of hearing it. Later, I learn one thing from this. If you mean to be fucked, you are going to get fucked anyway no matter what the fuck you try to prevent it. Life tend to find ways to screw us in a way that we never can ever expected.

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