Friday 27 September 2019

Comics nowadays

I read a lot of comics for the pass few years especially the US. To me, the industry is going to the end of the road. It loose the essential core element of the comics. Tell a good story with exciting artwork.

Now, it is just a sub par artwork with a lot of bubble that talk about nothing. Some will tried to inject their social political view. I am not against this but if you want to do it, do it properly. Don't tell a mediocre story and consider it as Shakespeare. 

Worst came to the super heroes genre where these called super heroes always in emo or childish mode. Batman felt like a emo kid who always in a stated of depression. I don't know what Superman is anymore. Aquaman tried to be the Jason version after the success of the movies but failed also. Wonder Woman is in a very bored adventure that didn't know why bother.

Wonder why I just mention DC? Because Marvel is cancer now. The only best storyline is Venom and Hulk. I don't know Thor or IronMan. Captain turn to a helpless man. Spider Man always in need of others people help. X-Men team before the Hickman is a cluster fuxk.

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