Thursday 17 October 2019

Doomdays Clock

Doomdays Clock is the sequel to the Watchmen. It continue the event after Ozymandias finally created the alien monster that stop the World Wars 3 from happening.

I forgot almost the whole storyline due to the epic delay of the books. The comic suppose to be end in 12 months has dragged for 3 years. If all go okay, it will end on this Nov 2019.

I need to re-read the whole storyline to understand what it is all about.

DC has issue with publishing their comics, even the previous comic, Batman: The Master Race also suffer the super delay that drag for years.

The delay of the Doomsday Clock has affected the storyline for DC Rebirth that should be an epic reveal. Now it turn into non-related anymore. The other DC comics has move on to a new direction.

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