Thursday 3 October 2019

iPad 3 in 2019

I just bought an black iPad 3 wifi with 64GB of storage because the LTE doesn't support 850 which is Unifi Mobile band. It has 56.2GB left for starting point. I only installed 2 apps which is Comic Flow and Garage Band for now.

I retired the iPad 2 again after using it for 3 days while waiting for this to arrived. At first glance, the device take a long time to charge the double size battery compare to iPad 2. According to the sheet, its usage will be the same as iPad 2 due to the screen resolution is double the size of iPad 2. It is one of the reason I bought this devices.

It felt that the screen quality is almost the same as iPad 2018 because the size and pixel is still the same. The dpi is the same.

I estimate the device to be used for another years before either the death pixel is too much to be ignored or the battery die out like my Surface Pro 3

It is a 7 years old devices. How much longer I can expect it to last? After this, I will tried to see if iPad Air  can be cheaper by that time.

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