Thursday 18 June 2009

I have a Dream

At the cliff of the mountain stand a man.
He is the typical forty years old man who didn't achieve anything in life.
He always felt depress until yesterday.
Something that he needed to do in his life.
Now, he had found what he had being seeking in his life.
The Dreams.
Last night, he attended a motivation class forced by his boss.
His boss already sick and tired of looking at his misery attitude.
Hope that the class would change him.
He wanted to help him.
He is a good worker.
If a few buck can save me a good worker, why the hell not?
The boss didn't want to lose a good worker.
The class was boring.
Many other who attend the class looked like they were force to come here.
"What is your dream" asked the instructor.
He cannot answered it.
"What do you want to achive in life?" asked the instructor again.
He cannot answered it also.
Then suddenly, he remember when he was a kid, he wanted to be superman.
A man of steel that can do almost everything and help people.
The best of all, can fly.
That's my dream.
"Once you have your dream, you stick to it. Repeat to yourself rapidly. And then just do it."
"Have your faith hold strong"
"Never and ever let anyone stop you from achieving your dreams."
"No dreams are silly."
Yes. No dreams are silly.
That what he said to himself.
After the class, he keep on the thought.
The thought is strong now.
It is time.
Time to test my ability.
Let's fly.
He didn't go to work the next day.
Here, he stand at the edge of the cliff.
I am Superman!
I am Superman!
I can FLY!!
I can FLY!!
One leap from the edge, he was off the ground.
He was in the middle of the air.
He was flying.
Once in his life, he was flying.
The moment was sweet.
Finally, he had achieve his dream.
He is Superman now.
Up up and away!

The next day, the boss read a news reports saying a man was committed suicide by jump off from a cliff.
The suicide motive remain unknown.

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