Sunday 20 October 2019

Macbook Air Cooling System

I watched a YouTube clips that showing a guy repairing a Macbook Air. He said the CPU is burned. When he open the laptop, he was surprise that the CPU is using a heatsink instead of fan for cooling. The fan is not directed to the CPU. Maybe this is a fanless CPU but irony is many CPU has burned out.

Saturday 19 October 2019

3G and 4G

Until now I still unable to felt the different between the 3G and 4G speed as I live around rural area. The infrastructure upgrade is a joke to all.

The cell tower is unable to support the increasing users and it cause congestion during night time.

Until now the official reply will just be upgrade is pending. Please wait.

Friday 18 October 2019

DC Justic League

DC Justice League comic is one of the comics that I have read and didn't bother to care much about the storyline. The dialogue is cluster fxck. Too much bubble and it spoil my interest to read it one by one as most of these are just a simple stuff that being explain in longer form to show how smart they are.

Just hope the whole line can end it quite and move to more simple storyline.

Thursday 17 October 2019

Doomdays Clock

Doomdays Clock is the sequel to the Watchmen. It continue the event after Ozymandias finally created the alien monster that stop the World Wars 3 from happening.

I forgot almost the whole storyline due to the epic delay of the books. The comic suppose to be end in 12 months has dragged for 3 years. If all go okay, it will end on this Nov 2019.

I need to re-read the whole storyline to understand what it is all about.

DC has issue with publishing their comics, even the previous comic, Batman: The Master Race also suffer the super delay that drag for years.

The delay of the Doomsday Clock has affected the storyline for DC Rebirth that should be an epic reveal. Now it turn into non-related anymore. The other DC comics has move on to a new direction.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Battery Cycle Count

Each battery has its own cycle count, once the cycle count reached, say goodbye to the battery, either you change it or you can throw away the devices. Last check, iPhone 5 original battery replacement by authorized service center charging RM300++ but my device is only RM240.

These kind of stuff keep people from keep using older devices for longer period.

Talk about saving environment  by these giant corporate.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Bird of Prey 2020

This is the coming soon DC movie that focus on the Harley Quinn. Based on the new released trailer, I felt like either the director has some hidden trick hide that will surprise the fan like Joker or it will turn into another disaster for DC movie.

But based on the leaked plot, this movie will divide the audience into either praise it is outstanding or it is a pile of dog shit as the final twist is very very shady.

Monday 14 October 2019


Joker if ignore it is loosely based on DC's one of the most popular villain, Joker, it is a messup of Taxi Driver and King of Comedy which both are directed by Martin Scorsese and Robert DeNiro as the lead actor which he also have a role in the movie.

It is about a man who have mental illness being pushed to the edge by a series of unfortunately until ultimately snap and turn to the Joker alike character.

There is some teaser related to Batman worldview but overall it is its own movie. DC has a lot of storyline that is more suitable for this genre rather than keep chasing the success of the Marvel in movie.

This is one of the surprise of the year as early I am not so anticipated with the concept of Joker after the director said he didn't use the comics as source material which pissed a lot of people including me.

Luckily the director able to create something epic for the character that can stand on its own.

Sunday 13 October 2019

iPad 10.2 review by youtuber

Before the iPad 10.2 is availability, I watch a few video bashing the device's spec is disappointing, how Apple is still playing cheap by providing the same A10 chipset used by iPad 2018.

Now the device is out, these reviewer change their thought saying the reason Apple still keep using the chipset is because the A10 chipset is still powerful to run the latest iPadOS.

Did they not know how the chipset performance before the device launched? Isn't they have done benchmark saying the CPU is slow compare to newer devices?

Much of these reviewer if review Apple product, I always keep reserve regarding their opinion. Often they will flip flop which a bunch of non-sense reason.

Saturday 12 October 2019

RON95 price

Government plan to set loose the RON95 fuel beast next year, estimate the new price will rise around 30 sen by today standard. This will cause a tsunami impact to the fuel related and not related. Even with the monthly direct subsidy to the B40 group. It will direct impact them the most in the long run. Any sudden flux of fuel price will certainly affect the market in a very harm way.

Friday 11 October 2019

Garage Band

This is the only app from Apple that I am interested to install. It allow me to play some music instrument. Lucky iOS 9 and 10 can still install the apps, iOS 6 unable to install anymore.

I just play it casually. Maybe once an month. Due to the file size that reach around 1GB. It is lucky that my devices storage is larger to be able to spare the space to install, unlike the iPad 2 that has limited space.

Thursday 10 October 2019

Gadget battery

One of the most important aspect of gadget is the battery. The battery determine the usability of the gadget. For now Microsoft is the worst on this part.

iPad still have a solid usage for single charge, now still monitor the iPhone 5 battery, at a single charge, it can play around 20 hours of Podcast but the claim is music playback for up to 40 hours. Half of the claim.

20 hours is around 2 and half days of usage during office hours.

Actually not to complaint too much already.

Wednesday 9 October 2019

iPhone 5 : Frist Impression

I just got the device. At first glance, the device is not lag as like the 4s with iOS 9. I reset the device first for security purpose. After I setup all basic as I do to any of the iOS devices with wifi turn on, my battery drop 10%. Need to do more testing on the battery life.

Here is what I do to my used iOS devices.
I remove all iCloud synch since this is not my daily drive device.
Disable Find my Phone feature
Disable Location Services
Disable Facetime
Disable iMessage
Disable Background App Refresh

These are the feature that I won't be using.

The Podcast version is 2.6

Tuesday 8 October 2019

e-Commerce Bottleneck

Our nation is promoting the e-Commerce. This move have hit the retailer business so hard that it cost many store facing sales issues. But the problem with the e-Commerce is the couriers services. Overall the services can be said is dog shit.

With the excuse of the high volume of stuff to deliver, these couriers always delay the delivery time until the customers have to collect these package directly at the store. Not to mention some that always failed to deliver due to "nobody at the receiver's premise" to collect.

If the delivery time can be improve, it will increase the sales of e-Commerce. 

Monday 7 October 2019

iPhone 5 on the way

I just purchased iPhone 5 32Gb. The item is on the way. Hopefully it can work as a functional iPod better than the 4s in higher iOS version. The last version for iPhone 5 is 10.3.4. The lagness is still unknown.

Sunday 6 October 2019

iPad 3 - Battery

Based on the early usage, iPad 3 loses around 13% after usage of 1.4 hours. So the battery should be able to usage for around 7 hours max for each full charges. This seem a bit better than my Surface Pro 3.

My usage is only limited to single app usage only which is reading comics and using iBooks to read pdf.

More will be monitor to see the battery performance.

Saturday 5 October 2019

Tesco Card

Each time I change a new Tesco card, I will encounter a bit trouble during the process. The latest is my new card wasn't recorded in my account. I called the support for help. They told me I didn't request to replace my card, instead I just request a new card. I told the support then why the staff take away my old card if I place to keep my old card or why I was to forfeit my 500 points. She silence.

Now my online account is being disabled. Reason I don't know.

Friday 4 October 2019

iPad 3 Screen

I tried to read comic and books using the device and I notice the wording is much sharper and easy to read than iPad 2. The higher resolution really make the reading experience much better. I should have bought the the device a few years earlier.

Now if the battery can hold up to iPad 2 standard, then I am in no need to purchase the entry level of iPad due to the screen felt like the same par as the current device. Not unless it is the laminated screen in iPad Air which doesn't have air gap or other higher spec that have better screen compare to this one.

Thursday 3 October 2019

iPad 3 in 2019

I just bought an black iPad 3 wifi with 64GB of storage because the LTE doesn't support 850 which is Unifi Mobile band. It has 56.2GB left for starting point. I only installed 2 apps which is Comic Flow and Garage Band for now.

I retired the iPad 2 again after using it for 3 days while waiting for this to arrived. At first glance, the device take a long time to charge the double size battery compare to iPad 2. According to the sheet, its usage will be the same as iPad 2 due to the screen resolution is double the size of iPad 2. It is one of the reason I bought this devices.

It felt that the screen quality is almost the same as iPad 2018 because the size and pixel is still the same. The dpi is the same.

I estimate the device to be used for another years before either the death pixel is too much to be ignored or the battery die out like my Surface Pro 3

It is a 7 years old devices. How much longer I can expect it to last? After this, I will tried to see if iPad Air  can be cheaper by that time.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Blade Rinner 1982

Blade Runner is a box office flop that launch in 1982. Due to the very low box office, it was pull out from theater after short screening time.

But due to the VHS, it gain its own fan throughout the years and now is consider as one of the greatest Sci Fi movies along with 2001.

The production of the movies is also a cluster f which can make a very interesting story on its own.

Ridley Scott  has teach us how to make a good sci fi sceen within a tight budget, put a lot of smoke and rain. It will create the perfect cyberpunk look.

The final scene where Roy is going to die the one of the best scene. The dialogue was the actor's own creation. It summarize the story perfectly. Until now I still can remember the dialogue.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."

Tuesday 1 October 2019

The Shining

The Shining is a movie by Stanley Kubrick based on the novel by Stephen King which he hated a lot until he made his own version which nobody remember until today.

It is about a family who work as a winter caretaker in a remote hotel. The hotel is closed due to the winter. The whole hotel is left with 3 peoples and the nightmare begin.

All work and no play make Jack dull is the famous quotes typed by using typewriter. The movies show Jack type a novel thick of the quotes and it was actually really being typed by people. All the pages are typed and not slip with white paper.

In the end of the movies, Jack gone mad and started to haunting his wife, his wife look in very emotional breakdown because she is really in the state. The director really push her to the limit until she almost breakdown and make the one of the most famous movies scene.

"Heeeeere's Johnny!"

The look of her is priceless.

It took a man like Kubrick to use such cruel method to achieve the perfectness of the scene.